Class 2HP
We are in the BLUE beach hut!
Your class teachers are...
Our LSAs are...
Firstly we would like to say how amazing your children are. We are really looking forward to teaching you this year and cannot wait to have lots of fun along the way.
Our Autumn Term

We're waddling in the South Pole with the 'Penguins' this term.
Wrap up warm!
We are learning how to write in a range of genres about penguins.
As responsible members of our world, we are exploring how we can look after the conservation of penguins and other Antarctic wildlife.
As responsible members of our world, we are exploring how we can look after the conservation of penguins and other Antarctic wildlife.
Have a little look at our classroom...
Our amazing learning...
We have been talking about growth mindset in PSHE. We designed a wonderful 'Reach for the stars' display.
We read 'Paper Dolls' and created our very own friendship chain.
In English we learnt key skills which we will need to become a good reader and writer. We have been busy learning all about the story Lost and Found. We have learnt the story, acted it out and have been analysing the characters feelings. We created a story map to help us learn the story. Listen to the story and see if you children can retell the story using the story map below.
In Maths we have been looking at different skills to help us be a good mathematician. Ove the last couple of weeks we have been focusing on place value, looking closely at hundreds, tens and ones.
We know 2HP work super hard at school, we would love to hear the things the have been up to at home. If you think your child has achieved something fantastic at home, please ask for and fill out a 'wow moment' slip, your child can share it with their peers and we will display it on our wall.
Each week a child from 2HP will be awarded 'Top Tiger'. This is for the child who has made the most effort with their homework. This child gets to take Top Tiger home for the week.
Spring Term
In the Spring term, 2HP will be transformed into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with themed teams: Fletchendor, Panklebird, Cardypuff and Hawkspar. Our science lessons will change to herbology lessons, our PE to Quidditch and we will be learning lots about Harry Potter with links to our curriculum throughout the term.
We have been looking closely at Traditional Tales so far this term. We have looked at many Traditional Tales and discussed what features they have. This is all to prepare for writing our very own story of the Gingerbread man. We will change the characters from the orginal story to characters from Harry Potter.
We have been busy mathematicians this term and been looking losely at methods to help us with multiplication.
We have been busy learning ‘Hedwig’s theme’ and playing it on the glockenspiels.