Welcome to our phase page!
Here you will find an overview of what
we are learning each term, phase trip photos, homework stars, House Points, curriculum maps and resources for learning.
Meet the fabulous KS1 team
Mrs Cardy is Phase Leader for KS1 and teacher in Class 2CW along with Mrs Partridge in Year 2. Mrs Hawkins and Mrs Pankhida teach in 2HP Year 2. Mr Fletcher teaches our Year 1 class in 1F and Mrs Bird and Mrs Partridge teach in 1BP Year 1. We are assisted by Mrs Smith, Miss Mann, Miss Haydon, Mrs Markham, Miss Deacon, Mrs Beere, Mrs Webb, Miss Cottage, Mrs Johnson, Ms Baker and Miss Harrison.
On Tuesday afternoons we have help from Mrs Hudson, Mrs Clemenson, Mrs Stray and Mrs Impey.
Monday - Both Home School books to be handed in
P.E Year 1 & 2
Tuesday - P.E Year 1 & 2 (Cricket Summer Term)
Tuesday - Homework books handed back out
KS1 Castle Visit - 2nd October
Year 1 Class Visits - 12th October
Year 2 Class Visits - 18th October
Parents Evening - 7th and 9th November
Fencing Day - 2nd November
Year 1 Carol Concert - 18th December
Year 2 Carol Concert - 15th December
Christmas Dinner Day - 14th December
KS1 Dinosaur Visit - TBA
Year 1 Class Visits - 7th February
Year 2 Class Visits - 14th February
Parents Evening - 5th and 7th March
Irish Dancing Day - 14th March
Class Visits - 22nd & 23rd May
Father's Day Shop - 7th June
KS1 Phonics Screening - w/c 10th June
Whole School Photo & Class Photos - 12th June
Non Uniform Day - 28th June
Sports Day - 4th July
Transition Day - 12th July
Reports out - 12th July
Top Dog! (Or Turtle)
This is awarded to the children who make the most effort on their homework.
Our expectation is for Year 1 to spend at least 20 minutes on their homework and
Year 2 to spend at least 30 minutes on their homework.
Are you reaching for the stars to become this week's 'Top Dog' for homework?
See each class page for this some Top Dogs!
Please feel free to contact the KS1 team if your child is unsure about how to complete the homework: we are always happy to help.
Please remind your child that their homework must be handed in each Monday morning.
Finally, your child will receive ‘crystals’ for their team and a star to add to their Star Reader board if they read more than four times a week, and complete their weekly homework, so don’t forget to sign their Reading Record!
Phonics Screening: - The week of 10th June
- This test is for all Year 1 children and the Year 2 children who didn't pass the screening in June 2023.
- It will be carried out over a week.
- The children will be screened one at a time and will have a mixture of real words and alien words.
- Mrs Partridge/Mrs Bird and Mr Fletcher have devised some useful packs of past papers and sound mats.
- Please follow our Little Wandle Link to support your child with their Phonics Home Learning
Our Autumn Theme - Castles
Our tokens this term are called 'Castle Pebbles', the children earn tokens for their teams for hard work, using the core values and thinking skills, and keeping the golden rules.
Our Trip to Colchester Castle
Our Fencing Experience Day