Welcome to Class LF!
Miss Graves, Miss Harrison, Miss Franklin and Mrs Johnson support learning in our class.
Our Core Values: REACH
1F's Learning Councillors, Eco councillors and Friendship ambassadors.
This term the characters and setting of Harry Potter has helped give us ideas and activities across the curriculum. In English we shall write a traditional tale based on the gingerbread man called 'the chocolate frog. Also we will write instructions for potions.
Some further examples are making carriages for the Hogwarts express in D&T and playing quidditch and dancing at the tri-wizards ball in PE.
Some further examples are making carriages for the Hogwarts express in D&T and playing quidditch and dancing at the tri-wizards ball in PE.
Minibeasts - summer term theme
This term MINIBEASTS has helped give us ideas and activities across the curriculum. In literacy we shall write stories and learn facts about minibeasts.
Some further examples are making giant dragonflies in ART. Designing superbugs in ICT and exploring the variety of habitats for minbeasts in the school and on a field trip to inspire us across all subjects.
Some further examples are making giant dragonflies in ART. Designing superbugs in ICT and exploring the variety of habitats for minbeasts in the school and on a field trip to inspire us across all subjects.