E Bike and E Scooter Safety Guide
Cycling Highways offer current Year 6 pupils a Bikeability course each summer term.
The school will pay for this from its Sport Premium funding and so there is no cost to parents/carers. The sessions involve two hours training on the playground and time on the roads. This will take place across two school days. https://www.essexhighways.org/getting-around/cycling/training Click here for further information about Year 6 Bikeability |
Cycling Highways offer pupils in KS2 a Learn2Cycle.
It is suitable for children who are unable to ride a bike, including those who are ready to move to pedals or just need to master riding independently. Bikes and helmets need to be brought in from home, on the day, and stabilisers removed. The school will pay for this from its Sport Premium funding and so there is no cost to parents/carers. The sessions will take place in school time. https://www.essexhighways.org/getting-around/cycling/training Click here for further information about 'Learn2 Cycle' |
Cycling Highways are offering pupils in Year 4 Level 1 Bikeability - this is a course intended to enhance basic cycling skills in preparation for Level 2 Bikeability in Year 6. On the day of the session, a helmet and a working bike from home is required. (More details to follow once places confirmed).
There is no cost to parents/carers. The sessions will take place in school time. Click here for further information L1 Bikeability - Year 4 |