Prefects in 6H
Information for Parents/Carers
Please find your child's spellings in their red homework book. Their personal spellings will be highlighted in orange. Children are encouraged to practise and learn these words at home. Children will be tested regularly. Children are encouraged to use Spelling/Ed Shed to practise their words.
Times Tables
Children must practise the times table they are learning as much as they can at home and will be tested every Tuesday. The children are encouraged to learn their times tables in regular order, out of sequence and the division inverse. Children can use Times Table Rock Stars online to practise the times tables quickly.
At Holland Haven we use the Accelerated Reader programme. Children must bring their book with them to school everyday and take it home at the end of each day. Once children have completed their book they will complete an A.R quiz which will give them a score. If children do not have any boxes signed in their reading diary they will lose a minute off Golden Time.
P.E sessions are on a Monday & Tuesday for all of UKS2. Please ensure earrings are removed and children must be able to remove their own earrings. If children are unable to remove their earrings, will not be able to participate in P.E lessons or Sports Events. Hair needs to be tied back. During the winter period, please ensure your child has warm clothing and trainers. Please refer to the 'Uniform Policy' for the correct P.E kit. If your child is not wearing the correct kit they will receive a note home and will not take part in the lesson.
Please find your child's spellings in their red homework book. Their personal spellings will be highlighted in orange. Children are encouraged to practise and learn these words at home. Children will be tested regularly. Children are encouraged to use Spelling/Ed Shed to practise their words.
Times Tables
Children must practise the times table they are learning as much as they can at home and will be tested every Tuesday. The children are encouraged to learn their times tables in regular order, out of sequence and the division inverse. Children can use Times Table Rock Stars online to practise the times tables quickly.
At Holland Haven we use the Accelerated Reader programme. Children must bring their book with them to school everyday and take it home at the end of each day. Once children have completed their book they will complete an A.R quiz which will give them a score. If children do not have any boxes signed in their reading diary they will lose a minute off Golden Time.
P.E sessions are on a Monday & Tuesday for all of UKS2. Please ensure earrings are removed and children must be able to remove their own earrings. If children are unable to remove their earrings, will not be able to participate in P.E lessons or Sports Events. Hair needs to be tied back. During the winter period, please ensure your child has warm clothing and trainers. Please refer to the 'Uniform Policy' for the correct P.E kit. If your child is not wearing the correct kit they will receive a note home and will not take part in the lesson.
Homework will be set on a Tuesday and will be due the following Monday. Children are encouraged to complete all homework tasks to a high standard. Homework is marked with with a Bronze, Silver or Gold stamp - awarding to team tokens. Each week there will be class vote on the prize of 'Top Hedgehog'. If children do not complete their homework, they will lose minutes each day until their homework is complete. Children are encouraged to attend Mrs Doherty's Homework Hub on a Thursday to complete their homework. If you would like your child to attend Homework Hub please email Mrs Doherty.
Homework will be set on a Tuesday and will be due the following Monday. Children are encouraged to complete all homework tasks to a high standard. Homework is marked with with a Bronze, Silver or Gold stamp - awarding to team tokens. Each week there will be class vote on the prize of 'Top Hedgehog'. If children do not complete their homework, they will lose minutes each day until their homework is complete. Children are encouraged to attend Mrs Doherty's Homework Hub on a Thursday to complete their homework. If you would like your child to attend Homework Hub please email Mrs Doherty.