Welcome to Class 3G
Hello and welcome to our class page. My name is Mrs Goldsmith and I am the class teacher in 3G. We are supported by our LSA Miss Deacon. Here you will find information about lessons and activities happening in our class. Please pop back to keep up to date with your child's learning, as we try to keep adding new photos and information as often as we can.
Outdoor play times and learning:
We often have the opportunity to take our learning outside, or get an extra play time! Please can children come into school prepared for the cold weather with a suitable coat every day. Children can bring wellies or trainers and a change of trousers into school for playtimes if it has been raining. If they come to school in boots, please bring in school shoes that they can change into. Gloves and hats are a good idea too - names in all of these please!
We often have the opportunity to take our learning outside, or get an extra play time! Please can children come into school prepared for the cold weather with a suitable coat every day. Children can bring wellies or trainers and a change of trousers into school for playtimes if it has been raining. If they come to school in boots, please bring in school shoes that they can change into. Gloves and hats are a good idea too - names in all of these please!
Our PE sessions are on Mondays (indoors) and Thursdays (outside). Please ensure the correct kit is worn on these days and should take into account colder weather by wearing jogging bottoms and sweatshirts. A reminder that only red shorts and white t shirts for indoor sessions and red, grey or black joggers and sweatshirts for outdoor PE sessions. Also, no logos. If your child has their ears pierced, they must be removed before school if they cannot take them out by themselves. Long hair must also be tied back.
Spellings and Times Tables
Spellings and times tables will be tested on a weekly basis on Mondays. Children do have the opportunity to practise these in school, however, there is an expectation that practising will continue at home to boost their success. Children receive stickers, certificates and rewards when they achieve their individual targets.
Homework is due in on Mondays. There will be a rotation of Maths and Learning log style homework, with a week to practise times tables and spellings. Reading records can be found in the small books and should be signed to show how many times your child has read - at least four times a week. Homework is given out again on Tuesdays. We occasionally have an online homework. Please let us know if you are unable to provide access to your child to complete this homework, as we can provide paper copies if necessary.
Each term we also invite children and parents to join together for a parent - pupil project. It is a great opportunity to create something special with your child. We have had paint, wood, cardboard and even cake used as building materials! The only restriction will be the size of your project.
Our PE sessions are on Mondays (indoors) and Thursdays (outside). Please ensure the correct kit is worn on these days and should take into account colder weather by wearing jogging bottoms and sweatshirts. A reminder that only red shorts and white t shirts for indoor sessions and red, grey or black joggers and sweatshirts for outdoor PE sessions. Also, no logos. If your child has their ears pierced, they must be removed before school if they cannot take them out by themselves. Long hair must also be tied back.
Spellings and Times Tables
Spellings and times tables will be tested on a weekly basis on Mondays. Children do have the opportunity to practise these in school, however, there is an expectation that practising will continue at home to boost their success. Children receive stickers, certificates and rewards when they achieve their individual targets.
Homework is due in on Mondays. There will be a rotation of Maths and Learning log style homework, with a week to practise times tables and spellings. Reading records can be found in the small books and should be signed to show how many times your child has read - at least four times a week. Homework is given out again on Tuesdays. We occasionally have an online homework. Please let us know if you are unable to provide access to your child to complete this homework, as we can provide paper copies if necessary.
Each term we also invite children and parents to join together for a parent - pupil project. It is a great opportunity to create something special with your child. We have had paint, wood, cardboard and even cake used as building materials! The only restriction will be the size of your project.
Some of our Parent Pupil projects we have received so far. Thank you for your support - they look amazing! Please keep them coming in.
One of our favourite topics in middle school is Ancient Egypt. We look at all aspects of life for the Egyptians during this amazing era in history. Studying their home life, music, worship, the importance of the River Nile and of course, the mummification process! Our theme work includes writing stories, learning about Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, how the pyramids were built and 3D work in art using clay. We will keep you posted as the term progresses.
Our topics for science are skeletons and muscles and rocks and soils - this also includes looking at the fossilisation process too. We will explore a variety of different rock types and have had a hands on approach to identifying them.
Our topics for science are skeletons and muscles and rocks and soils - this also includes looking at the fossilisation process too. We will explore a variety of different rock types and have had a hands on approach to identifying them.
Keeping in touch:
Please use this contact form to contact me. Alternatively, please leave a message with the school office and I will return your call as soon as possible.
Please use this contact form to contact me. Alternatively, please leave a message with the school office and I will return your call as soon as possible.