Welcome To Class 3D
Meet Our Reading Buddies
Our cuddly friends live in the reading area in our classroom. They listen to us read, help us concentrate and give us confidence to read aloud.
Reading Gives You Wings
When we have completed a book, we place a butterfly on the wall. At the end of each half term, the child with the most butterflies wins a prize. We like seeing our butterflies on the wall as we can see how many books we have read! When we sit in the book corner we wear a pair of glasses to help us concentrate.
Learning Councillors
Information for Parents / Guardians
Weekly Spellings
The children are given weekly spellings every Monday. These are written in their yellow spelling book which they can take home and practise or they can leave at school. The children will be tested on these spellings on the following Friday. If they get all of their spellings correct they are rewarded with 10 minutes extra break time.
Times Tables
Children must practise the times table they are learning as much as they can at home. They will be tested every Tuesday on their times table. If they get all of them correct 3 times they will be tested verbally and then will move up the times table ladder. The children are encouraged to learn their times tables in regular order, out of sequence and the division inverse.
A.R Reading
If your child is on Accelerated Reader they should have their reading book in school everyday. They are encouraged to read at home as well and once they have read the book a few times they can answer a comprehension style test based on what they have read.
Staying In Touch
If you need to contact me then please to not hesitate to get in touch. I am available to talk to every Wednesday after school. If you would like to meet please contact the office or ask me during drop off/pick up. If this is not a suitable time for you another time can also be arranged.
P.E (changes Termly)
Indoor P.E sessions are on a Monday and outdoor sessions are on a Thursday. Please ensure earrings are removed (not taped) and children must be able to remove their own earrings. Hair needs to be tied back. For outdoors, please ensure your child has warm clothing and trainers.
The children are given weekly spellings every Monday. These are written in their yellow spelling book which they can take home and practise or they can leave at school. The children will be tested on these spellings on the following Friday. If they get all of their spellings correct they are rewarded with 10 minutes extra break time.
Times Tables
Children must practise the times table they are learning as much as they can at home. They will be tested every Tuesday on their times table. If they get all of them correct 3 times they will be tested verbally and then will move up the times table ladder. The children are encouraged to learn their times tables in regular order, out of sequence and the division inverse.
A.R Reading
If your child is on Accelerated Reader they should have their reading book in school everyday. They are encouraged to read at home as well and once they have read the book a few times they can answer a comprehension style test based on what they have read.
Staying In Touch
If you need to contact me then please to not hesitate to get in touch. I am available to talk to every Wednesday after school. If you would like to meet please contact the office or ask me during drop off/pick up. If this is not a suitable time for you another time can also be arranged.
P.E (changes Termly)
Indoor P.E sessions are on a Monday and outdoor sessions are on a Thursday. Please ensure earrings are removed (not taped) and children must be able to remove their own earrings. Hair needs to be tied back. For outdoors, please ensure your child has warm clothing and trainers.
Pirates - Spring Term Theme
During the Spring Term, the children in Middle School will be learning all about Pirates. In English they will be learning to write a pirate adventure. They will be shown how to create suspense and tension and use cliffhangers and flashbacks to write their own pirate-themed adventure. Later in the term, they will create an information text about a creature that lives under the Sea. Finally they will use their knowledge of what life is like on board a ship to write a Pirate’s diary.
In theme lessons they will be finding out where Pirates were usually found and where they are in the world. They will learn the names of different seas and oceans. Also, they will find and use evidence to discover exactly what life was like for a Pirate, when they were at their height (the Golden Age), what they wore, what they ate and how they fought their enemies. During outdoor learning sessions they will create a treasure map with instructions that lead to hidden treasure.
Through art and design lessons the children will use sketching techniques to design and produce their own Jolly Roger flags with moving parts and an underwater seascape. They will also produce their own Wanted poster for a famous Pirate. Using Scratch, the children will be developing their programming skills by creating an electronic quiz about sea creatures.
In our science lessons, we will be learning about forces. We will learn about the effects that forces had on pirate ships when they are in the water.
Towards the end of the term, we will have a special pirate day. The children will get to spend the whole day dressed as a pirate and will take part in a series of pirate activities. We will also be visiting the beach when the weather is warmer to dig for buried treasure and to build a pirate ship picture or sculpture out of sand and shells.
Parent/Pupil Project - Create a pirate ship
In English we have been learning and experience what life was like on board a pirate ship. Here we are as cabin boys and girls, learning what it was like to scrub the deck.
We have also been scientists this term, learning about solids, liquids and gases. We have been designing fair tests and investigations to find out the properties of each state of matter.
Once Upon a Time - Autumn Term Theme
This term the children will be looking at the World of Fairy Tales. In English the children will be writing twisted fairy tales. For example, changing The Three Little Pigs into The Three Little Wolves. They will also be learning to be journalists and writing a report about a well known fairy tale character.
Through Design and Technology, the children will learn how to make sock puppets and use them to retell a scene from a Fairy Tale. They will also work in groups to design and make a giant's house. Towards Christmas, they will continue to develop their baking skills when they will have the opportunity to make Gingerbread men. During Music lessons, the children will be looking at the composer Prokofiev. They will become familiar with famous piece ‘Peter and The Wolf.’ They will also have the opportunity to find out about Prokofiev’s life and where he lived. In the first term, the children’s Science focus will be eating and digestion. They will learn about food chains and the digestive system. After half term, we will learn about sound.
Parent Pupil Project
Research and create a board game based on a Fairy tale. They can be made out of any material. We would like these completed by the end of the Half Term holiday so we can play them with each other.
This term the children will be looking at the World of Fairy Tales. In English the children will be writing twisted fairy tales. For example, changing The Three Little Pigs into The Three Little Wolves. They will also be learning to be journalists and writing a report about a well known fairy tale character.
Through Design and Technology, the children will learn how to make sock puppets and use them to retell a scene from a Fairy Tale. They will also work in groups to design and make a giant's house. Towards Christmas, they will continue to develop their baking skills when they will have the opportunity to make Gingerbread men. During Music lessons, the children will be looking at the composer Prokofiev. They will become familiar with famous piece ‘Peter and The Wolf.’ They will also have the opportunity to find out about Prokofiev’s life and where he lived. In the first term, the children’s Science focus will be eating and digestion. They will learn about food chains and the digestive system. After half term, we will learn about sound.
Parent Pupil Project
Research and create a board game based on a Fairy tale. They can be made out of any material. We would like these completed by the end of the Half Term holiday so we can play them with each other.
Our Learning
Developing our geographical skills and fieldwork in Geography.
Performing the story of Goldilocks & The Three Bears in Hadley Hills.
Art - Making a Giant using a range of materials
P.E - Understanding and applying the basic principles of attacking and defending in Hockey.
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