The History of Forest Schools
at Holland Haven Primary School
This is the best kind of classroom,
It’s a journey through time and space From the smallest seed to the largest tree, This is a Forest and learning place. This is the best kind of classroom, Where the seasons don’t happen in books Where the learning is watching & thinking and talking And everyone notices & everyone looks! |
Forest Schools TrainingMrs Hall and Miss Cole undertook a weekend of Forest Schools training in Bury St Edmunds in 2010. They had a great time learning new skills and have since been able to cascade 'Forest Schools' practice across the school to other members of staff. Since 2011, Forest Schools has been included in HH's curriculum timetable for all of our pupils at least once every three weeks.
Forest Schools Activities
Our favourite activities include cooking, bug-hunting, creating mud creatures and building dens. We cook a range of food such as noodles, sausages, popcorn and 'smores' (roasted marshmallows wrapped in chocolate biscuits) around the campfire. Other activities have included making wooden necklaces, building a nest using tweezers like a beak, whittling branches using a potato peeler and using nature detective packs to find different types of leaves and insects. Click here for lots of LOtC learning objectives
Click here for cross-curricular outdoor learning! |
Outdoor Learning in the Forest
All classes participate in regular forest sessions as part of our curriculum timetable but in addition to this we also use the Forest to enhance learning in other subjects. For example, Reception have been on a fairy hunt, Lower School have built a Jewish Sukkah, Middle School have explored rocks in Science and Upper School have shared Aboriginal stories around the camp-fire. |