Maths at Holland Haven
Holland Haven Primary School’s Journey to Mastery
Mastery is an essential part of a balanced curriculum. Giving more opportunities to develop mastery skills in every child for any subject is a key responsibility in our school. All learners have the opportunity to develop skills in fluency, reasoning, systematic approaches to problems and confidence in tackling new concepts.
By giving learners regular exposure to mastery problems, this promotes logical thought across all subject areas. The children become critical thinkers in all areas of their school career and therefore this makes them confident problem solvers - having an impact on how they view their problem solving skills in maths.
Mastery Statement
Every learner has the opportunity to develop mastery in any area of their school career. Learners are encouraged to become fluent in curriculum areas and expand their confidence to ‘play around’ with their knowledge. This opens up their approaches to excellent learning and the knowledge that anyone can be a master of a subject/area of a subject. This confidence enables the children to access problem solving situations, therefore having a positive impact on this area in maths.
Mastery in the School - Phase 1 2022 onwards
For the learners at Holland Haven to become confident to ‘play with numbers’ and to increase their stamina to solve problems. To feel relaxed to make connections and experiment with maths. To shift the perception of maths as being a subject that can be ‘failed at’ to a subject that can be explored. For children to use systematic and logical strategies and become efficient problem solvers.
Mastery is an essential part of a balanced curriculum. Giving more opportunities to develop mastery skills in every child for any subject is a key responsibility in our school. All learners have the opportunity to develop skills in fluency, reasoning, systematic approaches to problems and confidence in tackling new concepts.
By giving learners regular exposure to mastery problems, this promotes logical thought across all subject areas. The children become critical thinkers in all areas of their school career and therefore this makes them confident problem solvers - having an impact on how they view their problem solving skills in maths.
Mastery Statement
Every learner has the opportunity to develop mastery in any area of their school career. Learners are encouraged to become fluent in curriculum areas and expand their confidence to ‘play around’ with their knowledge. This opens up their approaches to excellent learning and the knowledge that anyone can be a master of a subject/area of a subject. This confidence enables the children to access problem solving situations, therefore having a positive impact on this area in maths.
Mastery in the School - Phase 1 2022 onwards
- Subjects are presented as subject-schema with important transferable tier two words 'study words' which have been associated with future academic success
- Bespoke training from Thinking Classroom Mike Fleetham to further improve all lesson-designs. Challenge 10/20 tools embedded into practice based on collation of empirical research of what makes effective teaching and learning (aspects of cognitive sciences)
- Reasoning identified as a target in Maths lessons and ladders and challenges enhanced to enable more opportunities for this exploration to take place
- All classes have adopted KAGAN cooperative learning structures which are used where appropriate and peer mentoring has become a strength across the school.
- As part of our Champions of Change initiative we are promoting critical thinking skills across the subjects
- Reasoning stem sentences have been adopted across subjects and examples of these have been shared in staff meetings and are displayed around the school (Appendix 1)
- Opportunities have been designed to gain Owl Mastery stamps/stickers in the maths progression challenge ladders
- Owl Mastery display cards are shared in classes to remind the children what the Owl represents (Appendix 2)
- A display board has been created to show the children how maths is used in everyday life by the member of staff
- The school had a successful maths day, designed and led by members of staff who showed their natural skills in real life examples/ cross curricular. The children saw how they can use maths in a variety of ways
- Staff design problem solving opportunities in other lessons. Not limiting maths skills to one lesson but needing fluency and reasoning across other subjects
- Maths meetings and maths lessons have more real life examples
For the learners at Holland Haven to become confident to ‘play with numbers’ and to increase their stamina to solve problems. To feel relaxed to make connections and experiment with maths. To shift the perception of maths as being a subject that can be ‘failed at’ to a subject that can be explored. For children to use systematic and logical strategies and become efficient problem solvers.
Maths Week June 2023
The whole school took part in Maths Week in June. Each Phase had their own day where the teachers designed different activities for the children to take part in throughout the day. Each activity was designed around something the teachers like to do in their spare time - the children were shown how maths plays its part in every thing we do in a real life context. Activites ranged from golf (measuring, speed, angles) to bubble making (capacity, mixtures, ratio, shape). Have a look at some of the activities, the plans and some of the reviews of the week.
Some Maths Week Plans